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Non-Profit – Cloud Based Solutions

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Non-Profit – Cloud Based Solutions

CloudSpace  can provide meaningful and concrete ways for selected donor contributions to fund one or more virtual desktops.  But also, similar to a franchise model, the virtual desktops can be configured for accelerated expansion into other markets.  Or, similar to our mom-and-pop business solutions, the enterprise may be able to re-purpose older and outdated hardware  to gain access to and run the latest and most recent software.

Non-Profit - Cloud Based SolutionsA nonprofit organization uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. Generally, states in the U.S. defer to the IRS designation conferred under United States Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c), when the IRS deems an organization eligible.

Church organizations, charities, and other noble causes are frequently formed as a 501(c) in the United States.  In some instances, these entities begin in a single geography, and are able to expand into other geographies with the same charter.  In these instances, the organization may be “franchise-like” and our solutions for the franchise business model may apply.

In other situations, the enterprise remains local, and possibly operates with shared, donated, or older equipment.  Some aspects of these organizations may benefit from our “mom-and-pop” approach.

In either of these situations, our solution provides a convenient and meaningful way for prospective donors to fund one or more virtual desktops.