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Is Your Business Computing System Ready?

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Is Your Business Computing System Ready?

The economy is getting better and the job market in the greater Houston area is growing. Is your business and your computing system ready to take on that new growth?

As the economy soars, your company will expand and your need for advanced technology will become even greater. You will want to use the most efficient, cost effective, and up-to-date business computing system out there. When’s the last time you updated your network?

Houston’s growth rate is second fastest among the nation’s 20 most populous metro areas, according to The Economy at a Glance–Houston, July 2014 Issue. The Houston Metro Area created 93,300 jobs in the 12 months ending May 2014.

Development has definitely been on the fast-track in our area, especially as of late with Exxon Mobil building their mega campus here. Houston grew at a 2.8 percent annual rate in December, 2.9 percent in March, 3.2 percent in April and 3.3 percent in May. Houston’s job growth remains above the long-term trend, as reported in The Economy at a Glance-Houston, July 2014 Issue.

This is the right time for your business to upgrade and make some needed changes in your IT department. Take advantage of the growth in our local economy and get a head start on your competition. Don’t get behind because if you do, you’ll be left out in the dust.

It’s time to get your business in the cloud. Why? Because it’s safe, attractive pricing, and gives your company all the computing power it will need and more!

Companies, large and small, are forgoing the purchase of new servers, workstations and software to move their network operations to the cloud. Why make large capital expenditures with high and unpredictable maintenance costs, when you can rent it monthly along with an IT staff and significantly reduce business risk? The cost saving in telecommunications alone for multi-office businesses saves enough to pay for the whole cloud service in many cases, according to Devin Levin, Founder and President of Cloudspace USA.

Businesses no longer need to buy application software, they can now rent it with their cloud network. It is accessible from anywhere, secure, and highly redundant housed in disaster hardened data centers.

Don’t you think it’s time to move your business into the 21st century and to the next generation Internet computing? Give Cloudspace USA a call today.